Tim’s Training Diary: We are into December now….
A mixed bag of training this time round. But overall, pretty good. Some disruptions to training with the arrival of the new Watson Gym Equipment. Also, still feeling the bruised rib a little, which has meant slightly less leg work at times. But there has also been some very big and productive training days in there. Bench Press strength seems to be doing very well in particular.
Friday 26th November
Evening Session – Strict Chin Ups for 10 sets of 6 reps
Saturday 27th November
Morning Session – Bench Press
Sunday 28th November
Morning Session – Strict Chin Ups for 15 sets of 7 reps
Monday 29th November
Morning Session – Bench Press for 6 sets of 2 reps at 117.5Kg; Viking Press for 5 sets of 10 reps at 40Kg; Dumbbell Side Raises for 5 sets of 30 reps with 5Kg Dumbbells
Tuesday 30th November
Morning Session – Hamstring Curls for 5 sets of 20 reps; Romanian Deadlifts for 4 sets of 10 reps at 100Kg; Bodyweight Hack Squats for 5 sets of 25 reps
Afternoon Session – Strict Chin Ups for 15 sets of 6 reps
Evening Session – Steady Run (8.13 miles, 9:08 minutes per mile average pace, 1 hour 14 minutes)
Wednesday 1st December
Evening Session – Narrow Grip Bench Press for 10 sets of three reps at 105.5Kg
Thursday 2nd December
Morning Session – Lat Pull Down for 5 sets of 20 reps; Chin Ups (Strict) for 10 sets of 6 reps; Pull Ups (strict) for 5 sets of 5 reps; Dumbbell Single Arm Row for 5 sets of 15 reps with 30Kg Dumbbells; 5 sets of EZ Bar Biceps Curls
Evening Session – Hamstring Curls for 5 sets of 20 reps; Bodyweight Hack Squats for 5 sets (30, 28, 27, 26, 25 reps); Single Leg Hip Thrusts for 5 sets of 15 reps per leg
Friday 3rd December
Morning Session – Narrow Grip Bench Press for 15 sets of 2 reps at 108Kg
Evening Session – Swiss Bar Bench Press for 6 sets of 9 reps at 90Kg; Viking Press for 10 sets of 3 reps at 50Kg
Tim’s Training Diary Notes:
• Overall fairly happy with strength levels. Although, possibly in a race against time now to achieve my short terms goal of being at my all-time strongest for all my major lifts before Christmas.
• Bench Press is just about on track to being at my all time strongest before Christmas. Viking Press is also just about on track for being at my strongest by Christmas. Prone Rows will not be, as I am currently not doing them due to my bruised rib. Chin Ups / Pull Ups, are probably slightly behind schedule – but with some real focus, could possibly get there by Christmas. Deadlift strength will probably not quite hit the 200Kg I was hoping for before Christmas – but will not be far off, and is probably still going to be at my strongest ever.
• Running is ticking along nicely. Generally running twice per week at the moment. So this does need to increase. But the good news is that I haven’t had any injuries or niggles from running in quite a while now.
• So in short, with a lot of focus, I may possibly just about achieve my short term strength goals by Christmas, but it will be touch and go.
• As mentioned previously, I have now had my new kit drop of world class equipment from Watson Strength Equipment. It is now fully set up and in place at Egerton’s Garage Gym. I haven’t yet updated the blog about this, but I will do soon, and you will be able to find the update on the Egerton’s Garage Gym blog.