Ryan Hall attempted to Deadlift 500lbs and Run a Sub Five Minute Mile

Okay, so I’m just breaking off from the usual training diary update here. There is a specific reason for this. Ryan Hall has just released a video on Instagram from his first attempt of the 5 and 500 challenge. Yes, Ryan Hall attempted to Deadlift 500lbs and run a sub five minute mile.

Here is the video from Ryan Hall’s first attempt at the challenge.

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So, as you can see, Ryan Hall was not successful. He did not manage to complete the 500lbs Deadlift straight into a sub five minute mile challenge. His finishing time in the end was 5:28 mins.

Honestly, this came as quite a big surprise to me.

500lbs Deadlift

I really thought he would crush this challenge at his first attempt. I had seen from his recent Instagram posts, he had already surpassed the 500lbs mark for Deadlifts in the gym. So that aspect of the challenge shouldn’t have been an issue for him. Not only that, but we are talking about a guy who holds the American records for Half Marathon and Marathon. He is one heck of a runner! Of course, he has packed on a LOT of muscle since his running days. Even so, he had recently uploaded some running training videos on Instagram which made me think he would crush it.

So, Michael Miraglia remains the only person to date to have successfully completed the 500lbs Deadlift into a sub five minute mile run challenge. This really goes to show exactly just how tough this challenge really is!

A few things are worth noting though:
• Ryan Hall completed the challenge on a dirt track. He would absolutely be able to run much faster on a tartan running track.
• The dirt track that Ryan Hall ran on was also at high altitude. At sea level he would be able to run much quicker.
• I believe the temperature was also very high. Ryan mentioned that this affected his performance.
• This was Ryan Hall’s very first attempt at the challenge.
• Ryan had not actually done much running training in the build up to this challenge. He has said that he will now increase the frequency of his running training ahead of his second attempt at the challenge

Second Time Lucky

So, given the conditions and the environment in which Ryan Hall made his first attempt at the 500lbs Deadlift and sub five minute mile run challenge, I still feel very confident that his second attempt at the challenge will be successful.

Also of interest to me was that Ryan used lifting straps for his Deadlift.

I was assuming that I would have to develop sufficient Deadlift strength to be able to lift 500lbs without the use of lifting straps. The reason I thought this was because the rules of the challenge state that the clock starts from when the hands first touch the bar in preparation for the Deadlift. As a result of this, I figured that it would simply cost too much time to use lifting straps. However, it was interesting to see that Ryan was using figure of eight lifting straps, which are probably quicker to set up (and therefore may be a viable option).

For the time being, I will continue to assume that I will not be using lifting straps of any kind when making the deadlift attempt. However, it is encouraging to note that, if necessary, the use of figure of eight lifting straps may well be a good option.

Deadlift Training

Deadlift Training

My most recent Deadlift session was 10 x 1 rep at 150Kg and this was without the use of lifting straps. It felt like there was more in the tank. Not only that, but there is still scope to make my lifting training much more specific to building Deadlift strength. Currently, I am only deadlifting once per week. This may well increase to twice per week at some point. There is also scope for making my accessory lifting movements much more Deadlift specific as well. So all things considered, I do believe there are some big improvements still to be made to my Deadlift. Time will tell as to whether or not these improvements are big enough to be able to Deadlift 500lbs without the use of lifting straps.

In the mean time, I will continue to upload training diary instalments in order to track how those Deadlift improvements are coming along.

Until the next instalment,

See you later,

Tim at Foxwood Personal Training