Do I Need a Running Coach?

Given that running is such an accessible and popular sport, you might be wondering whether you need a running coach. Running requires nothing more than a pair of shoes, and you can do it almost anywhere in the world. On the face of it, running really is a very simple activity. When running, we are just putting one foot in front another, over and over again. However, the process of optimising your running performance can be nuanced.

To reach a high level with your running, of course it helps to have some natural ability! But more importantly, you will require discipline, planning and technique. That’s where a coach can be incredibly useful.

A running coach is someone who can guide you in your running journey. They will set goals, design training sessions, and monitor your training load. A running coach can help you improve your technique, increase your top end speed, and improve your running economy. Your coach will also help you to prevent injuries, and ultimately, bring you to a peak in your key races. A good coach will have a knack for bringing you into peak fitness when it matters the most.

Elite runners in a road running race

Do you Really Need a Running Coach?

Factors to consider:

  1. Your Experience: If you have been running for a while and are confident about how to train, then you may not feel like you need a coach. However, even the most experienced runners can benefit from the expertise of a coach. In fact, almost all World and Olympic running champions have their own personal coach. Of course, your experience will count for something. However, it is likely to come down to how ambitious you are, as to whether you would benefit from coaching.
  2. Your Goals: If you are a beginner just starting out on your running journey, you may feel that perhaps you do not not need a running coach. However, if you have more ambitious goals, such as achieving a good for age time, or perhaps even achieving international selection to represent your country, then a running coach could make all the difference. By creating a personalised plan, and helping you to adapt that plan in response to changing circumstances, your coach will ensure that your training is optimised for your exact needs.
  3. Your Time:  If you have a busy schedule and find it challenging to fit in runs and sessions, a running coach can help you make the most of your time. In fact, planning out training is a time consuming process. Having someone else plan your training programme for you can, in itself, be a huge time saver. 
  4. Your Injury History: If you have a history of significant injuries that have affected your running, then employing a running coach could be a game changer. Having someone in your corner with the knowledge and expertise to develop a plan that takes your specific needs and injury history into account could be the difference that finally enables you to break the continual cycle of getting injured again just as you start to approach racing fitness.
  5. Your Motivation: If you struggle with motivation and consistency, a running coach can provide accountability and support to keep you on track and help you stay focused on your goals. In fact, simply knowing that you have made a financial investment into a running coach is usually a strong motivator, as you no doubt want that investment to pay off!

Ultimately, whether you need a running coach depends on your individual circumstances and goals. However, even if you don’t feel like you need a coach, working with one can be an excellent investment in your running journey. A coach can help you achieve your goals more efficiently. A coach can also prevent much injury related heartache that is all too common amongst ambitious runners.

If you decide to work with a coach, do your research and find someone with suitable experience and expertise. With the right coach by your side, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your running goals. You will be on track towards becoming a better, stronger, less injury prone, and more confident runner.

A good starting point for doing your research on a potential coach would be to check out their profile on The Power of 10. This is a very comprehensive rankings and results website for athletics and running within the UK. The Power of 10 profile of any prospective new coach should give you a very good idea of what kind of background the coach has in the sport.

Tim Egerton – Power of 10 Profile

By now, you may be ready to take that leap and invest in a coach to elevate your running performance. If you are ready to level up, follow the link below to learn more about Coaching with Tim Egerton:

Tim Egerton – Online Running Coach

I am always happy to chat with ambitious runners who are thinking about investing in a coach. These chats will always be completely without pressure. If we are to embark on a coaching relationship, it is important we are a good fit. This is a two way thing, and we both need to feel confident that we will make a good partnership. So please do get in touch, if you are thinking about coaching. I will endeavour to make sure you make the correct decision for YOU.

Tim Egerton, Foxwood Personal Training, York.