Train Like An Athlete

As I mentioned in my last post about Ouch Potato York…. I will soon be moving full time to York.

That time hasn’t quite arrived just yet. But it won’t be long.

One of my projects I have planned for once I am here in York full time, is a “Train Like An Athlete” 12 Week Programme.

The premise behind the idea is that you do not need to be an athlete in order to train like an athlete. BUT… in terms of physique, that athletic look is a GREAT look to have. If you are a guy, then I’m guessing you want to LOOK powerful. 

So… in order to look like an athlete, you need to train like an athlete.

Train Like an Athlete

National Champion Athlete

Personally, my background is in high performance sport. I was a National Champion middle distance runner myself, and I have worked with many national level and international sprinters.

So I know what training like an athlete entails.

I plan to run two training camps per year in the Foxwood and Acomb area of York. One will be in the Summer and one will be in the winter. Each camp will be 12 weeks in duration and will involve a carefully planned progression of group training sessions. This will help you look and perform at your best. There will be training sessions five or six days a week throughout the duration of the 12 week programme. These training sessions will include all the different elements needed to train like an athlete. There will be sprint workouts in the park, weight training in the gym, technical running drills and restorative Yoga to facilitate recovery and regeneration. 

You do not need to BE an Athlete to Train like an Athlete

And remember… you do not need to be an athlete to train like and athlete. Even if you look and feel nothing like an athlete right now, the principles and methods we use in these 12 week training camps will put you on the right track towards getting you where you want to be.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in, then please do get in touch and let me know. I need to know there is enough interest in this in order to get if off the ground.

I am really excited about the idea. It will be a great fitness project for the Foxwood and Acomb community.

So let me know what you think!

Speak soon,

Tim Egerton, Foxwood Personal Training, York