Professional Doctorate in Strength and Conditioning

I am excited to write this post in announcement of the fact that I have been accepted onto the Professional Doctorate in Strength and Conditioning at St Mary’s University.

The St Mary’s Professional Doctorate in Strength and Conditioning is a first of its kind. The programme is delivered remotely over a period of five years. This was important to me, since I need to continue being based in York in order to run my business, Foxwood Personal Training.

The first two years of the programme involve taught content. This includes online seminars and lectures. There are several core modules during this period, including: Advanced Training Methods; Advanced Coaching Methods; Philosophy for the Strength and Conditioning Coach; and Research Methods. The final three years of the programme is dedicated to conducting research. My area of research will relate to the effects of Strength Training on the durability of running economy.

Professional Doctorate in Strength and Conditioning

Professional Doctorate Vs. PhD

With the format of two years of taught content, followed by three years of research, the professional doctorate is effectively a combined Masters and PhD programme. Even though I already have an MSc in Strength and Conditioning, I am very happy about this format. The two years of taught content will provide me with the opportunity to up-skill, to engage with the other students on the programme, and to refine my research ideas.

Additionally, St Mary’s University run a distance learning MSc in Strength and Conditioning. As part of this MSc programme, there is a two week residential on campus every summer. For the Professional Doctorate itself, there is no actual requirement to attend the university campus. However, whilst I am enrolled on the programme, I am allowed to attend these residentials as an added bonus. This will undoubtedly be another excellent learning and development opportunity, and so I am very much looking forward to this aspect of my time at St Mary’s.

These aspects of the Professional Doctorate, along with the remote delivery of the programme, really attracted me to the course over and above a traditional PhD. On top of this, St Mary’s University is one of the leading institutions in the world for Strength and Conditioning.

St Mary’s Professional Doctorate in Strength & Conditioning

For anyone reading who might be interested in more information on the programme, here is the link to the information page on the St Mary’s website:

St Mary’s Professional Doctorate in Strength and Conditioning

If you would like to chat with me about my experience of the programme or about my line of research, you can get in touch via DM on Instagram:

Foxwood Personal Training on Instagram

I can also point you in the right direction if you wish to speak with the programme leader or other professors involved with the programme.

Strength Training for Runners

My proposed line of research ties in well with the main focus of my business, which is Strength Training for Runners. You can learn more about my specialism in this area on my personal training page:

York Personal Training – Strength Training for Runners

My current research proposal is around the effects of strength training on the durability of running economy. However, a key part of the first two years of taught content is the refining of research ideas, in preparation for the final three years. So, my research ideas could change during this time. It would also be interesting and important to investigate the effects of strength training on the durability of running biomechanics. So I am excited to see whether these two lines of research could be intertwined. Alternatively, I may end up focusing on one area rather than the other. It is also possible that my research proposal is completely revamped!

The best place to stay tuned on my progress is my podcast.

I am the host of the Strength Training for Runners Podcast. I will be sure to keep you updated, on the podcast, of the development of my research ideas.

Strength Training for Runners Podcast

How Can You Get Involved?

If you are reading this, you may well be interested in having some involvement with my doctoral level research. Do bear in mind, the Professional Doctorate is a remote programme. So I expect all my research to be conducted here in York.

Here is the profile of someone who is likely to be interested in being involved with my research:

  • – York based
  • – Competitive middle and / or long distance runner
  • – Serious about improving your performance and receiving scientific information on your running performance

So, what are the benefits to you getting involved in my research?

Firstly, as a subject for some of the studies, you will receive world class strength and conditioning coaching support. Secondly, you will receive physiological and / or biomechanics testing that will give you additional information on your individual performance profile. Depending on the study, this may include VO2Max testing, running economy assessment, and lactate threshold measurement. Strength and power profiling may also form part of the testing protocols. The assessment of running biomechanics is also likely.

Professional Doctorate in Strength & Conditioning

So, if you are a York or Yorkshire based runner, please do get in touch. There are going to be some exciting opportunities for you to get involved. You will be contributing to the furthering of knowledge in the field. Importantly, you will also be receiving an opportunity to further develop your own running performance.

Tim Egerton, Foxwood Personal Training, York